8 most popular career options for the independent contractor

Work from home was earlier considered a luxury. People used to wake up early, sip the cuppa and get ready to go to work battling the chaotic commute. Well, things have become very different today. People are turning into freelancers and kicking their desk-job to start working from home. In 2017, things have really taken a turn and definitely for the better. Independent contractors (freelancers) have sprung up from different parts of the globe. They find freelance jobs online via online portals like SEOBloggers and others. Do you wish to know the jobs that are great options for an enriching career in freelancing? Then, here are 10 of them listed.
1.     The writer – Do you think you can write well? Then, working as a freelancer can really be a rewarding experience. You get to earn well and the work also is enjoyable, as most writers are passionate about writing.
2.     The VA – Good in organising and managing office work? Then, working as a virtual assistant or VA can certainly be an ideal choice.
3.     The translator job – The world is a global village and therefore the need for a translator is on the rise. If you have fluency in foreign languages, then the job of an online translator can fetch you good money.
4.     App developer – Many people like to develop apps for their businesses. The requirement of an app developer is on the rise. Employers pay handsomely for this job role.
5.     Web designer – Online presence is something that is the requirement of every business on this planet. Become a web designer if you have the skill and there won’t be any dearth of work.
6.     Online tutor – Many students now are looking for online tutors to learn and absorb knowledge. Teaching students in your area of specialisation can certainly help you in earning good money online.
7.     Life or business coach – People are on the lookout for expert advice and opinion related to life and business. “Been there and done that” – Then this can be a great opportunity for you again to get freelance jobs online.
8.     The affiliate marketer – There is good money if you can sell and market other people’s products. This is what an affiliate marketer does. They attract users and convince them to try the service or product of that particular brand. It’s a low investment job with high potential.

So, go ahead and build your career as an independent professional with SEOBloggers by your side!


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