‘The first impression is the last impression’ – Impress the employer
When you venture out into the freelancing world, then it is important to remember that your ‘first impression will be your last impression’. Yes, good work will surely pay you well and generate good reviews and rating, but the first look at your portfolio will definitely have an impact on the employers. Your first talk and online chat will tell them a lot of things about your professionalism. Professionals who find freelance jobs online have encountered many employers who dismissed them without reason. Why? What went wrong?
Well, it might be that the first impression failed to create a mark and generate a positive feeling. So, what can you do to make the employer take notice and hire your services? Read on and get enlightened about the ways you can impress and get freelance projects online.
Use your vocabulary well
You need to use your words wisely while communicating. Be friendly and cordial. However, if you are not comfortable with the deal, please don’t avoid the client. Say, ‘no’ right-away. It is better appreciated and the employer will at least go back without any sort of negativity against you. Again, don’t be a people-pleaser and even if you have a lot of experience, don’t show your attitude and ego, ever!
Be prepared with the project details
If you are unprepared and know little about the project, don’t approach the client straightway. Prepare yourself with the project. Read the brief of the assignment, research on it and then start talking to the employer. If the employer understands that you are not well-prepared, then they might think you are not serious enough to handle such commitments.
Listen to the client
Instead of talking, you also should listen to what the employer has to say. Freelancers who listen are preferred and the employer might find you really easy to work with. If at any point, you wish to disagree, then just jot down the points and continue with the conversation, while waiting to pick up the doubt after the client finishes.
Be responsive
The best way to build trust in the virtual world would be to be instantly available to the employer. It is not possible to be online 24X7, so you can allot a fixed time to the client and make sure you are available for that particular period. If you are always available in your ‘working hours’ as a freelancer, then the client would start believing that you are a trusted and reliable folk.
So, now you know how to create a great first impression. Go ahead and start bidding!
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